Where did my custom filaments go?
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Where did my custom filaments go?  

Estimable Member
Where did my custom filaments go?

When I upgraded PrusaSlicer yesterday, I was very careful to avoid goofing up my installation.  I took a configuration snapshot. Butwhen I finished, all of my custom filaments are gone! The result of all those test prints and tweaks, gone.

None of my customized printers were erased. Why would the filaments disappear?  

When I look at the list of configuration snapshots, I see the ones I made. How do I merge my custom filaments into this installation? I am asking because I don't want to make things worse.

Sorry for the rant. Mostly I am super pleased with my MK3S.

Posted : 18/03/2022 11:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Where did my custom filaments go?

Instead of using a configuration snapshot save a configuration bundle.  File>Export>Export Config Bundle.  A config bundle saves to a file all your custom profiles.  SO print, filament and printers.  It does NOT save anything added through the system wizard though.

You can then import a config bundle on any other instance of PS.  So you can use them as offline backups, copy from machine to machine etc.

The config snapshot was something prusa added, the bundle has been there pretty much forever.

As to why the filament would disappear, who knows.  Without seeing copies of your configuration directory no one can say.  Even the prusa devs would require that to have any hope of knowing for certain.  With the whole dependency and vendor space process its quite possible to configure things so that even if still 'there' they are only visible and available to certain combinations of printers/print presets.

Posted : 19/03/2022 10:26 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where did my custom filaments go?

Thanks for the reply, Neophyl. I am grateful.

I tried File>Export>Export Config Bundle, and I see two config bundle ini files.  I will made new bundle today, and then try to import them.

Twice now I have lost all my custom filaments. It's super frustrating that the backup process is so mystifying.


Posted : 13/04/2022 9:38 pm