Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?
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Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?  

Reputable Member
Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?

I have several computers on my LAN and I'm trying to keep configurations of some programs synced between them. Where are the configuration files for PrusaSlicer on a Mac so I can copy them from one Mac to another to keep the settings on each system the same?

Posted : 18/10/2023 10:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?

Go to Help→Show Configuration Folder.

If you have access to cloud storage (iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc..) you can also move the folder to a cloud directory and use symlinks to point each system to it.

Here are my cliff notes for how to do this:

  • Go to Prusaslicer's Help menu and select Show Configuration Folder
  • Go up one level and note the location/path name of the folder. It's usually /Users/username/Library/Application Support/PrusaSlicer (alphas and betas have different names). On Windows, it would look like C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/PrusaSlicer or similar.
  • Create a backup copy, just in case.
  • Copy the configuration folder to your network drive and delete the original. Note the new pathname, in my case /Users/username/OneDrive/3D Printing/Software/PrusaSlicer/PrusaSlicer
  • Open a terminal window.
  • Create a symlink on each computer on which you want to sync it:
ln -s "/Users/username/OneDrive/3D Printing/Software/PrusaSlicer/PrusaSlicer" "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/PrusaSlicer"


What all this does is create a "master copy" of the config folder on a network drive (OneDrive/Gooogle drive/Dropbox handle the syncing of that drive across machines in the background). The symlink creates a pointer to that folder in the location PrusaSlicer looks for the config folder.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 18/10/2023 11:05 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?

Go to Help→Show Configuration Folder.

Cool! I'm setting up a number of programs, like this, Blender, and everything else I use for printing, CNC, and programming and this is a neat feature I did not expect. (Wish every program had something like this!)

If you have access to cloud storage (iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc..) you can also move the folder to a cloud directory and use symlinks to point each system to it.

We're in the boonies. While we have decent internet now (Starlink), it does sometimes go out during very heavy rainstorms for a bit and we started with really crappy internet, so for local work, I don't go through the internet if I don't have to. I wrote a Python script that copies files to and from a share on my LAN. While that does mean I have to manually run the program to be sure I update things, it works. (And I have screen sharing and ssh access, so if I forget to copy a changed config to the share on one system, I can still get to it and copy the config files.)

What all this does is create a "master copy" of the config folder on a network drive (OneDrive/Gooogle drive/Dropbox handle the syncing of that drive across machines in the background). The symlink creates a pointer to that folder in the location PrusaSlicer looks for the config folder.

That's close to what I'm doing. I'm calling rsync from my Python script, since that does smart updates, as opposed to just copying files directly. The network share is basically the master copy for config files and for some folders that will have changes. (Some files, like my work files from Blender, Carbide Create, and LightBurn, are always saved to a network share in the first place. I may have to do that with more files, but I'm hoping I don't. Sometimes it's easier to have files on the computer I'm using.)



Posted : 19/10/2023 12:19 am
Prominent Member
RE: Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?

You may also be interested in https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-macos

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 19/10/2023 6:40 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Posted by: @_kaszpir_

You may also be interested in https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-macos

Interesting. I'm using Python and trying to make sure it works on Linux and Mac, but it looks like that will also work on both.

I notice no mention of price at all, so it looks like it's free as in speech and free as in beer.

Posted : 19/10/2023 8:18 am
Scarlett Young
RE: Where are the PrusaSlicer configuration files on a Mac?

I usually mount Dropbox on a Mac using Commander One. You can read and learn something new and interesting for yourself


Posted : 14/11/2023 9:20 am