What is "print host upload queue" used for
Hallo all,
went through the different menu´s of Prusa Slicer and fount under "Window" > "Print Host Upload Queue", then there is opening a small window. What is it good for / used for.
Is it used in combination with Octoprint? Who can help - didn´t find informations about it.
Best regards,
Clemens Mödlin
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)
RE: What is "print host upload queue" used for
Is it used in combination with Octoprint?
That's right Clemens. Once you connect your Octoprint instance in the Printer Settings Tab under Print Host Upload, A Send G-Code button will appear under the Slice now button.
API and IP address, you will find in your Octoprint browser window.
RE: What is "print host upload queue" used for
Thanks - that works great!
Best regards,
Clemens Mödlin
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)
RE: What is "print host upload queue" used for
It will also support flashair cards in the next release.