Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?
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Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?  

Reputable Member
Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?

I'm using PrusaSlicer 2.71 on MacOS. I've run into this before and thought I had asked about it here, but I've looked at my subscribed threads and don't see one about this. I have a caution sign, the triangle with an exclamation sign in it, next to the name of an imported object that's been sliced:

I've circled the object name in red. Originally the warning sign was in another color (can't remember, it was yellow, red, or orange, though). Then I fixed a few items in Blender and now I still get the warning indicator there telling me something is wrong. The item looks okay in slice mode, but still, the software thinks there's an issue.

I've tried clicking, right clicking, and double-clicking on the warning icon and the file name and nothing more shows up.

So when I see a warning icon like this, how do I find out what the software finds as a possible issue that I might want to fix? A warning alone isn't helpful, I really want to know the reason for the warning.

Posted : 20/02/2024 2:05 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?

I found this thread that covers this topic, but it's old. Apparently on Windows, you can hover over the warning icon and get data in a tool tip. That is not working on my Mac, at least at this point.

I'm using Blender for mesh construction and I've used the 3D-Print addon and it doesn't show critical issues. The sliced version looks okay, but I'd really like to be able to see just what's wrong.

Posted : 20/02/2024 4:47 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?

Tango I mentioned your still suffering the problem on this github as Lukas was asking if it was still relevant.  https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/11788

Might want to mention what version of MAC you are running.

Posted : 20/02/2024 11:25 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?

On my Mac, it doesn't do anything when I hover over the triangle next to the parts name but on the bottom of the right-hand pane, it shows a popup with extra info when I hover over the message down there.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 20/02/2024 1:32 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Warning sign on imported object to slicee - what is the warning?

Might want to mention what version of MAC you are running.

Sonoma 14.2.1, and I'll also mention that on the Github thread. Thank you for pointing me to there.

On my Mac, it doesn't do anything when I hover over the triangle next to the parts name but on the bottom of the right-hand pane, it shows a popup with extra info when I hover over the message down there.

I used to see a message about what was auto-repaired, in previous versions, but I see nothing now.

Posted : 20/02/2024 6:35 pm