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Vase Mode - Top Open  

Honorable Member
Vase Mode - Top Open

I can't believe that I have never tried Vase Mode.. I was printing some Easter Eggs which used far too much filament for their purpose, so I did my first experiment with Vase Mode and was really impressed with the results.

The only problem I had was that the top had a hole in it.. At first I thought I had a blockage or ran out of filament, but when I looked at the layer view it was obvious what was wrong (see attached photo)

I assume this is something that can be 'tuned out'? What exactly is happening here? Why does it do a rough spiral, as the print goes more horizontal? I assume this is a limitation of Vase Printing, but is there a way to fix it?


Posted : 25/04/2020 2:08 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vase Mode - Top Open

I just found this video:

So it looks like its a known limitation.. I would understand this if the print simply failed to print this as the top is just a massive overhang with no supports.. But Slic3r doesnt' even try.. it fills the top with a view course spiral..

Does this mean that a vase print is impossible for something like this? Or are there any settings or workaround which might help?

The opening left is only 8mm across, so I believe the printer COULD fill this as its not a particularly large overhang. So is there a way to get Slicer to fill this space fully?


Posted : 25/04/2020 2:16 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Vase Mode - Top Open

Vase mode by definition is 1 layer thick walls, think about your layers when the angle gets steep, they become much much wider than any single width extrusion can be.  For that model you first pictured its just not possible.

Posted : 25/04/2020 3:36 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vase Mode - Top Open
Posted by: @neophyl

Vase mode by definition is 1 layer thick walls, think about your layers when the angle gets steep, they become much much wider than any single width extrusion can be.  For that model you first pictured its just not possible.

Gotcha.. Makes perfect sense.. I just wanted to check I wasn't missing something...


Shame you can't do a vase print for the majority and then switch to a "Traditional" print for the bits that can't be printed....

Posted : 25/04/2020 4:05 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Vase Mode - Top Open
Posted by: @jweaver

Shame you can't do a vase print for the majority and then switch to a "Traditional" print for the bits that can't be printed....

By definition, vase mode has the interior removed. There would be nothing for the "traditional" print lines to sit on. Can't print in mid-air.

Posted : 25/04/2020 7:20 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Vase Mode - Top Open
Posted by: @jweaver

I assume this is something that can be 'tuned out'? What exactly is happening here? Why does it do a rough spiral, as the print goes more horizontal? I assume this is a limitation of Vase Printing, but is there a way to fix it?

As Scotty would say

"Ye Canna Change the Laws of Physics"

But, to a degree, you can cheat! 

these were printed Vase Mode...  but I set the extrusion width higher. using a 0.4mm nozzle, I think I used 0.8mm extrusion width on this model (with a worn nozzle I have used up to 1.2mm extrusion width although that was on a more vertical wall. 
But towards the top, where the layers get more horizontal, I used thinner layer heights

The grumpy pumpkin was also printed in Vase mode, 
So you do have a chance...   🙂
regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 25/04/2020 8:48 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vase Mode - Top Open
Posted by: @gerrykaslowski
Posted by: @jweaver

Shame you can't do a vase print for the majority and then switch to a "Traditional" print for the bits that can't be printed....

By definition, vase mode has the interior removed. There would be nothing for the "traditional" print lines to sit on. Can't print in mid-air.

In my case its only about 8mm.. I would have thought it could "bridge" the gap.. I wouldn't expect it to be pretty.. But I assumed there would be a way.. But I understand the limitation now so its no problem.

Posted : 25/04/2020 10:33 pm