Unexpected Seam
Recently I'm experiencing an unexpected seam in relatively simple designs. I've encountered this more commonly with cylindrical design, but I'm now experiencing it with cubes. Since I've printed a lot of cubes and not seen this previously, I'm a bit puzzled as to what could be the cause. Picture attached.
MK4 Firmware: 6.1.2+7894)
Slicer: 2.8.1
Print Settings: 0.20mm STRUCTURAL @ MKIS 0.4 (The only non-default setting is Gyroid Infill)
Filament: Generic PLA Silk @ PGIS (The only non-default settings is 10 degrees cooler on both nozzle temps)
I assume this is a slicer setting/issue at this point, but I'd like to eliminate it if is possible. If I can't eliminate it, I'd like to at least understand why it is appearing now when it didn't use to.
Thanks in advance.