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Two places to set retraction  

Active Member
Two places to set retraction

There are two places to set the retraction in the Prusaslicer. One in 'Filament Settings/Filament Override' and one in 'Printer Settings/Extruder 1'. They both have the same setting parameter. Is there a reason for it? Which one is the one I should set or do I have to set both? What will happen if I set them to a different value?

Best Answer by Neophyl:

Well the filament setting is called an override.  It is to tweak retraction if a particular filament needs something different to that set for your extruder default.  Just set your extruder value and don't use the filament one un less you have to for that particular filament.

Posted : 02/09/2021 2:00 pm
Daniel liked
Illustrious Member

Well the filament setting is called an override.  It is to tweak retraction if a particular filament needs something different to that set for your extruder default.  Just set your extruder value and don't use the filament one un less you have to for that particular filament.

Posted : 02/09/2021 2:20 pm
bobstro liked
Eminent Member


Posted by: @neophyl

Well the filament setting is called an override.  It is to tweak retraction if a particular filament needs something different to that set for your extruder default.  Just set your extruder value and don't use the filament one un less you have to for that particular filament.

Please tell me:

-I suppose 'override' has the same implications in the case of MVS. It can be found in Print Settings -Speed while the 'override' option is in Filament settings- Print speed override. In this case, PrusaSlicer will take into consideration the MVS from Filament settings and will overleap the one from Print Settings, isn't it?

-where is explained in the documentation the meaning of "override"?  Or it is implicit (i wasn't aware of this!)!

-where can I found which other parameters are affected by "overrides"? Because otherwise, I can ignore some of them and probably this could have some negative effects.

Thank you!

Posted : 04/09/2021 12:59 pm
Illustrious Member

The meaning of the word override in English is explicit. Something overrides a previous value. As the override settings must be turned on using the tick box and as the entire section is named override then that should make this clear.  If you aren’t a native English speaker then you may have problems. 

The Mvs settings are not overrides though. They are not listed in that section and the word override is not used at all. If you set 2 different max volumetric rates the the lowest one is used as that the safest. 
If you look at default Prusa profiles for their printers you will find that the mvs under print settings is not set  (0) and the one under filament settings is used normally. 

If you feel the Prusa slicer knowledge base is not sufficient then I suggest you take the matter up with Prusa directly. Or open an issue on GitHub requesting better tool tips in the software. 

With many functions it’s easy to set a value, slice and look at the preview to see the effect. For example with the mvs you can set values and look at the preview in volumetric speed mode and see what the limits are. You learn a lot more about the various options that way , by simple experimentation. 

Posted : 04/09/2021 1:17 pm
Eminent Member
override & safety


Posted by: @neophyl

The Mvs settings are not overrides though. They are not listed in that section and the word override is not used at all. If you set 2 different max volumetric rates the the lowest one is used as that the safest. 

If you look at default Prusa profiles for their printers you will find that the mvs under print settings is not set  (0) and the one under filament settings is used normally. 



MVS is in the section "Print speed override"!!

So I've modified MVS under 'Print settings' to 1.4 then I loaded Prusa PLA which has a value of MVS of 15 in the 'Print speed override' menu. The value in 'Print settings' remains 1.4.

So, after the meaning of 'override', PrusaSlicer will work with MVS of 15

After the 'safety' principle it will work with the lowest one which is 1.4!

I'm confused!

Posted : 04/09/2021 1:55 pm
Illustrious Member
Don't push buttons if you're not sure what they do
Posted by: @daniel-4

 Posted by: @neophyl

The Mvs settings are not overrides though. They are not listed in that section and the word override is not used at all. If you set 2 different max volumetric rates the the lowest one is used as that the safest. [...]

[...] MVS is in the section "Print speed override"!!

That is an override for your print speed settings, not the other MVS setting. Context is everything.

So I've modified MVS under 'Print settings' to 1.4 then I loaded Prusa PLA which has a value of MVS of 15 in the 'Print speed override' menu. The value in 'Print settings' remains 1.4.

So, after the meaning of 'override', PrusaSlicer will work with MVS of 15

After the 'safety' principle it will work with the lowest one which is 1.4!

@neophy clearly explained that if different MVS values are entered under print settings and filament settings, the more restrictive/lower value will be used. It is a MAXIMUM after all. One is not described as an override for the other. 

The settings under Filament Overrides are overrides for specific settings to account for variations in filament types. If this is confusing for you, do NOT enable advanced or expert mode, and don't change settings you don't understand. 


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 04/09/2021 4:21 pm
Eminent Member

Thank you for your reply!

Posted : 04/09/2021 7:35 pm