Turn off logo message?
Anyone know of a way to turn off the new feature in PrusaSlicer 2.4.2 that tells you your job looks like a logo or sign? It pops up on maybe 9 out of 10 of my prints but is not relevant (or correct).
RE: Turn off logo message?
If only you had searched this very forum, on page 2 is this thread
Simple summary, you cant at the moment. Go add your support to the github raised https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/8380
RE: Turn off logo message?
Sorry, I'm new here. Evidently I don't yet understand how the forum searching works. My search for 'logo' did not (and still does not) bring up a match, so thank you for bringing my attention to the earlier post. I have added my support to the issue on GitHub.
RE: Turn off logo message?
Search on the forum, to put it bluntly sucks 🙂 Most of us use google search with the site: limiter.
For example in googles search bar use "site: https://forum.prusa3d.com/ logo" to search the forum for the keyword logo
RE: Turn off logo message?
Missed the edit window time -
btw I saw you added to the github, so good on you. Also as an aside, just because you don't have an mmu doesn't mean you cant do multicolour prints, simple colour changes can be done manually which is one of the things that can be quite handy at times when you DO want to do the top layers in a different colour. There's a good thread called Manual multicolour on here https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/prusaslicer/manual-multicolor/ if you want to learn more about whats possible with a single extruder.