Tree support in slicer 2.6
How can I thicken or add additional perimeters to the tree supports?
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
From the beta releases of 2.6 theres a setting that you can configure in mm that determines if double walls are used. Branch diameter.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
That just increases the diameter but not the thickness.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
My apologies, I was going from emory, the full name of the setting is "Branch Diameter with double walls". The full name was used in the github issue I posted a link to though.
For example with the default of 3mm
Note the double walls as the organic support is larger than 3mm
Note how now it only has a single wall.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
I do not want to make it bigger I just want to add more walls to make it sturdier.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
That's exactly what I described and pictured. That setting is essentially saying IF the branch is bigger than XX then use double thick walls. If the branch is thin then use a single perimeter. It doesn't change the size of the support. Branch Diameter does that.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
Not when I printed it out. The supports were bigger. I just want to have 3-4 walls.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
Please post a zipped up project file as the behaviour you describe is not the same as I am getting. So please attach 2 projects that demonstrates the support itself getting bigger with the 2 different settings. That way people can examine for themselves the slice and see what is happening.
Also it’s support, the idea is to use minimal material to make the actual object you want to print possible, the only options are 1 or 2 perimeters. You can not have more.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
the only options are 1 or 2 perimeters. You can not have more.
That is what I needed to know.
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
Into my menu doesn't appear "Branch diameter with double walls" I have Prusa slicer 2.6.0 alpha 6. In my menu of organic supports I have 7 items, not 8 items.
Please, could you help me?
RE: Tree support in slicer 2.6
Why are you using an alpha still ? There have been many versions since then including several betas and now a proper full release. Try the proper release to see if the setting appears.