toolchange_gcode generates error on placeholder
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toolchange_gcode generates error on placeholder  

Active Member
toolchange_gcode generates error on placeholder

I need to enter some instructions in the Toolchange Gcode, but some of them generate an error while slicing, but the gcode file is still generated and no errors are generated to the cache-file to which the error message refers

The code which generates an error is:

M117 Prepare cooldown extruder [current_extruder]
M117 Temperature: S[temperature_[current_extruder]]
M117 Standby temp: S[standby_temperature_delta]
M104 S[standby_temperature_delta] ;make sure the temp at least drops to the standby temp

M117 Prepare heat up extruder [next_extruder]
M104 S[temperature_[next_extruder]]
M109 S[first_layer_temperature_[next_extruder]]

When I remove the two bold lines no error is generated.

Are these parameters forbidden in the toolchange_gcode or is this a bug. What would be a solution to this behaviour?

BTW this code is of course, in the current form, useless, but needs to be further completed to solve the problem that the temperature of the extruders is not correctly set when printing a wipe tower


Version: 2.5.0+linux-x64-GTK3
Build: 202209060725
Operating System: Debian Linux
System Architecture: 64 bit
System Version: Linux 4.19.0-12-amd64 x86_64

Posted : 13/11/2020 5:26 pm