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Stop "Gap fill"?  

Eminent Member
Stop "Gap fill"?

I have a part I am trying to print (an enclosure for an 8unch LCD panel - I'll share once it is right ;)). Around the perimeter I have mounts to screw the back onto, however PS insists on doing some 'gap fill' of REALLY tiny gaps, which add large moves and time to the print for something that really isn't a problem. I've attach a screen cap, but to give scale the screw hole is 1mm in diameter, so the white gap fill is plugging gaps of less than 0.25mm. Is there anyway to turn off this behaviour?

Best Answer by bobstro:

Try setting gap fill speed to 0. It's stupid, but it works. I've opened a GitHub issue about this.

Posted : 11/10/2019 8:28 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stop "Gap fill"?

Try setting gap fill speed to 0. It's stupid, but it works. I've opened a GitHub issue about this.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 11/10/2019 8:40 am
gloda liked
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stop "Gap fill"?
Posted by: @bobstro

Try setting gap fill speed to 0. It's stupid, but it works. I've opened a GitHub issue about this.

You are a star! Thanks for that!

Posted : 11/10/2019 8:43 am
New Member
RE: Stop "Gap fill"?

Hi guys! I faced same question and decided to make a PR into PrusaSlicer repo adding separate checkbox for gap filling here:

Posted : 09/02/2021 3:08 am