Speed calculations
I have been trying to understand how print speeds are calculated. There doesn't seem to be an obvious algorithm. Sometimes I get fast speeds other times slow. I currently have auto speeds enabled. The link below shows two example files. Both 40x20x2 mm. But one has a text detail. Even just looking at the layers up to the point of printing the text the speeds are radically different. I have my max speed set to 180 but I can only get there with the file without the text. I can understand why the area of the text needs to go slower, but wouldnt the layers leading up to that be the same for both files?
You're a lot more likely to get quality advice if you save the two examples as 3mf files via Prusaslicer's File>Save as project and attach them to your post here. This way, we can directly compare your settings rather than wading through gcode, which nobody is excited about. Just remember to zip the 3mf files, or the forum software won't accept them. There are many possible reasons for what you're seeing but without seeing the 3mf file it's all guesswork.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Speed calculations
Simple answer is don't use autospeed. The difference between the 2 projects is the gapfill used on the version with text. Once it uses gapfill then all the speeds get screwed up. Lots of reported issues around that. For example https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/7036
RE: Speed calculations
Thanks. I am starting to get used to trying different modes and seeing what yields the best results in the preview. Some things just seem to run counter intuitive to what you would think. Good example is detect thin walls. 9 times out of 10 it affects the result negatively. Even when you think it’s a perfect model to use the feature on.