Slicing issues top layer
Hello everyone,
I'm having a weird issue when slicing this object, as you can see the number four on the top layer is missing a line, I though probably the model is messed up, so I decided to slice it using Cura and so far, looks good. So, I wonder if there is a default option on PrusaSlicer that is causing this behavior or should I report a bug in the GitHub repository, this is happening with 2.4 and the previous 2.3. Please find attached the project compressed as zip file.
Thank you very much,
RE: Slicing issues top layer
Hi Julian,
it seems related to the Print Setting "Vertical shells". Even if set to 1, those fine lines are ommitted, probably because these are still too fine for a 0.4mm nozzle. (if you set the vertical shells to "0", it works, but somehow strange, if you scale your model to 110%, it also works with the .4mm nozzle, (but of course it would be nonsense to scale that model).)
I can't tell why other slicers handle these situations differently, but it might be well worth having a closer look at this.
RE: Slicing issues top layer
It’s not a bug. Those lines are too thin to slice with the settings being used most likely. You can enable detect thin walls which might pick them up or you can adjust your extrusion widths down. A 0.4mm nozzle profile will generally have an extrusion width of 0.45 set on a Prusa profile.
RE: Slicing issues top layer
The problem with doing xy compensation on that model is that it will grow ALL perimeters by that amount, not just the letters. That means your nice dimensionally created model designed to measure real world items is no longer the correct size. So the holes to check screw sizes will be incorrect.
RE: Slicing issues top layer
Hi @Neophyl, you are right. I'm trying the following settings to compensate the behavior you describe, what do you think? It seems is slicing it ok
Layers and perimeters -> Vertical shells -> Perimeters: 2
Advanced -> Extrusion width -> Perimeters: 0.44
Advanced -> Extrusion width -> External perimeters: 0.44
Advanced -> Slicing -> XY Size Compensation: 0.02
Thank you very much!