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SlicerPi, Slicer Docker?  

Active Member
SlicerPi, Slicer Docker?

After writing another post I've just had the idea, that idk if it's possible, of creating some sort of PrusaSlicer server running locally on some machine, on a docker image or why not on a raspberry pi or similar?

This would become very handy for people like me when unifying the whole experience of managing printers from different terminals.

I control my printers often from 3 different computers, (2 mac, 1 win) -- Having to create all combos ends up being messy, as I often end up with too many profiles I'd need to manage, and I don't have ways to control any version, nor push any updates to my other computers without having to manually do it.

Having a mini Slicer-Server would be awesome. I was looking at Rerpetier-Server, but doesn't seem to cut it.

Another option would be to have a NUC or similar where I can remote-desktop and slice there, but we all know how clunky this can be.

It would be insane if this ended up being some form of webapp that could be deployed almost anywhere.

Any ideas?

Posted : 21/07/2024 12:41 pm
Illustrious Member

After writing another post I've just had the idea, that idk if it's possible, of creating some sort of PrusaSlicer server running locally on some machine, on a docker image or why not on a raspberry pi or similar?

It was fairly easy on a Pi until 2.7.4 - that version only works on the command line, 2.8.0 doesn't have an ARM build and webkit gets in the way.  None of the builds play well with Pi5.

Install an older version on Pi4 and access from anywhere with X, VNC and probably other remote connection, install a NAS server or even FTP - keep your files on a disc on the Pi and you have an effective variant of your initial request.  It is a little slow but not annoyingly so, like running on a 5 - 10 year old laptop.


Posted : 21/07/2024 2:45 pm
Irav88 liked
Prominent Member

This is pretty interesting idea.

It is possible to put GUI apps to the containers and to be accessed vis web browser. An actual working example is already there - see the app named Calibre (to manage ebooks) which is the desktop app (for example X) in the container  - and Apache Guacamole is an additional app installed inside that container to access X via web interface. As a result you could run the app in the container and have it accessed vis web browser.

I can also see that there is Orca slicer already

So I guess PrusaSlicer would be possible?

I can see some problems which may be difficult or impossible to fix, though:

- PrusaSilcer recently is available as App image which makes certain things harder

- PrusaSlicer may require some hardware acceleration of the display not to be sluggish or may not render at all

- amd64 vs arm builds, it may require non-arm image to run the container

- probably Linux image only 

- data import/export - direct access to the printer over the USB may be hard to get, so exporting to mounted volume from host may be easier, or exporting to the printer over the web (for example PrusaLink or PrusaConnct). Where to host custom profile so that it would survive the container replacement would have to be done as well ( Another host path mount I guess)

I think the best option would be to talk with guys from 

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 21/07/2024 5:58 pm