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Short cut keys  

Estimable Member
Short cut keys

Today I learned this:

Ctrl-R to slice and Ctrl-1 to switch to the Plater tab

Are there other tips/tricks or some instructions I should have read?

Posted : 26/03/2021 2:12 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Short cut keys

Theres a list of keys and their shortcuts in the software.  If using 2.3 then Help>Keyboard shortcuts has 6 tabs worth.  Although "?" opens the help as a shortcut anyway.

Theres also the Prusa Knowledge base which everyone should read at least once.

Posted : 26/03/2021 7:46 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Short cut keys


Thanks very much, thats very helpful.  I hadn't noticed the menu help keyboard option or thought to press ?, theres loads of useful ones 👍 

I think in my original excitement of getting the printer I dipped in and out of the Prusa pages to learn about particular things and then once in the swing of it I hadn't gone back and read all the pages.  Will have a better read through.

Hopefully someone else might spot this thread and benefit too.

Posted : 26/03/2021 11:43 am