Setting overall percentage speed in Prusa Slicer?
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Setting overall percentage speed in Prusa Slicer?  

Setting overall percentage speed in Prusa Slicer?

Apologies if this has been answered-  I did a search and failed to find anything and there are 254 pages in this fourm section!

On the front panel of my MK4, under 'Tuning' I can set the printing speed as a percentage of default, and at 400% I still get perfect prints so I would like this to be 'sticky'. However, I have to set this at the tuning panel every time I print something as the change only applies to the print that is in progress - it reverts to 100% for the next print. So, is there a way - either at the printer or in Prusa Slicer - to set the speed multiple percentge, and maybe have it written into the gcode per print?  All I can see in Prusa Slicer is the ability to alter speeds per movement/print function which is a bit of a bind and open to errors.

Hoping that this is easy to answer......

This topic was modified 6 months ago by IanT
Posted : 21/09/2024 12:47 pm