'Send to Connect' option missing again
It seems the 'send to connect' option after slicing a model has gone AWOL again on my system - see the attached screenshot. My MK4 is on and 'Prusa Connect' is enabled. The printer has a valid LAN address and I can ping it from another PC.
I'm used to doing 'sneakernet' with either SD or USB cards, but the ability to shoot a gcode file over to the printer without having to do the shuffle step was pretty nice - at least while it is working. Anyone know having this problem or have a solution
RE: 'Send to Connect' option missing again
Click the Printer dropdown and choose one of your Physical Printer presets.
System Presets and User Presets are just saved Printer presets. Physical Printers are a specific preset linked to a network.
XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork with multi-nozzlesize freedom || Other advanced slicer tactics
RE: 'Send to Connect' option missing again
Thanks for the quick reply. I never knew there was a 'physical printer' section.
So, I selected the physical printer MK4 * Original Prusa i3 MK3S & MK3S+ - 0.6' (I have no idea where this title came from. I only have a MK4 printer - I had a MK3S+ -0.6 in the past, but it went away a few months ago. If I try to edit the name, I can only prepend more text to the front - I can't delete all the outdated MK3 stuff). This added 'Physical Printer' to the menu bar at the top of PS, but it still doesn't allow me to directly send a file from the slicer window after slicing. I have a 'G->' icon that will bring up a 'Send G-code to printer host' dialog, with the proper *.gcode filename already inserted, but when I select 'Upload' I get an error message 'Error uploading to print host: HTTP 401:401: Unauthorized. But I know the printer is connected because I can see it's status (IDLE).
This is crazy - For some time now I have been enjoying the 'Send to Connect' button that shows up after slicing (and this was before I had any idea about selecting 'physical' printers). Then it disappeared for no apparent reason, and then re-appeared for no apparent reason - and now it has disappeared again. There is something badly wrong with this feature.
Now I have a 'G->' button instead of 'Send to Connect', but the 'G->' button just takes me to the 'Upload to Printer Host' dialog which errors out as soon as I click the 'upload' or 'upload and print' button.
RE: 'Send to Connect' option missing again
By the way, I have PS 2.8.0 installed on a newer laptop, and I DO get the 'Send to Connect' button after slicing a model and have no problems connecting to my MK4 printer using it, even though I haven't selected a 'Physical' printer and don't have the 'Physical Printer' item on the menu bar. Something is clearly rotten in Denmark
RE: 'Send to Connect' option missing again
Oh sorry, its my mistake. What I described is for sending code to a machine via Prusa Link ("->G" button), not Connect.
I haven't used Connect, but my first suspicion is that your original screenshot isn't logged in, so no Connect, but your laptop screenshot is. At the top right of PS one says 'Log in' while the other shows 'Frank'.
XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork with multi-nozzlesize freedom || Other advanced slicer tactics
RE: 'Send to Connect' option missing again
This sounds similar to the issue I posted the other day.
On my Mac, I was able to use time-machine to restore my printers ini file from a few weeks ago.
Eric Z.