Rychlost tisku spojená s nastavením filamentu
Zajímalo by mne, proč je rychlost tisku spojená s typem tiskárny a nikoli s typem filamentu. Od počátku mi to připadá jako nesmysl. Mnohé filamenty vyžadují jinou rychlost, příkladem jsou ty elastické, Tak proč jsou v sekci Nastavení tisku?
RE: Rychlost tisku spojená s nastavením filamentu
Prusa Slicer and those based on it also have a setting called max volumetric flow rate. It defines the maximum amount of filament that the 'system' can produce. System being the combination of printer extruder, filament etc. It acts as a top limit no matter what sorts of speeds you set. It can be configured in BOTH the print profiles and the Filament profile. With the LOWER value of whatever you set acting as the upper limit.
So you define things like max values under the printer profile as thats the absolute maximums the hardware can handle, the printing speeds you want under the print profiles as you might want draft or quality etc but you always have the maximum throughput limit which can be set on a per filament basis. For filaments like flexibles that values is usually configured very low. SO you can set 200mm a second and it wont get anywhere near that as the volumetric will limit it.
Try slicing something and look at the slice preview and change the various dropdown options to view other things like the speed and volumetric flow rate allowing you to visualise what its actually doing.
So not as stupid as you think.