Rotate G-code Thumbnail/Rotate Import
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Rotate G-code Thumbnail/Rotate Import  

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Rotate G-code Thumbnail/Rotate Import

Running a highly modified Davinci Pro, PrusaSlicer is all setup no help needed for that.  Just my only thing i need help with and how i can't figure out is my home 0,0 is in the back right of printer vs the left front like most.  With simplify 3d i could always import odjects 180 so that they face the front and not the back.  Is this possible with PrusaSlicer.  Also the same with the G-code thumbnail, it always shows the back of odject not the front, is there a way to fix this?

If there isn't a way i guess i will just change my home to be the left front, but think would be easier if this could be fixed in the software.

Questa discussione è stata modificata 2 years fa da PrintSomething
Postato : 14/12/2022 4:39 pm