Question on custom GCODE in a profile
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Question on custom GCODE in a profile  

Rafael Caballos
Question on custom GCODE in a profile


I have recently bought an Anycubic Kobra 3 combo printer, and I prefer to use Prusaslicer with it than Anycubic's slicer. In order to get an accurate profile I got it from an Anycubic's previous  version of its slicer, which is based on Prusaslicer.

If I do so, I get a good profile with the set of four filaments. I tried it with a multi-colour model and it works, but if I try a model with just one colour the printer does not charge the filament on the fusor module. I discovered that if I manually add a 'T0' code in the gcode file just before starting to print it works. Now the question would be if I can set up the profile to add that code automatically. I am not an expert in profiles so I wonder if there is a way to add the code only when I use one colour, because for multiple colour models PrusaSlicer adds T0, T1, and so on.

Thank you for your help

Rafael Caballos

Posted : 28/01/2025 2:04 pm
Illustrious Member

Filament Settings > Custom G-code

and save the new profile with an appropriate name.


Posted : 28/01/2025 6:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Question on custom GCODE in a profile

With the caveat that I no NOTHING about Anycubic printers short of the fact that they exist:

You can simply save a copy of your multi-color profile and make whatever color adjustments you need, such as adding the T0 to the startup gcode. In my case, I have a profile for Mk4S, one for Mk4S+MMU3, and one for Mk4S + high flow nozzle (which I never use). Just go to Edit Preset and click on the floppy disk icon next to the printers name to save a copy.

To add the T0, go to Custom Gcode>Startup Gcode in the printer setting dialog. Not knowing anything about your specific printer, I don't know where the best place would be for it in the startup gcode.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 28/01/2025 6:58 pm
Rafael Caballos
Topic starter answered:
RE: Question on custom GCODE in a profile

Hello FoxRun3D

Thank you for your reply. I will do what you suggest. I thought I could use some sort of conditional Gcode command to choose from one colour or more than one.

Best regards



Posted : 30/01/2025 8:40 am