PursaSlicer 2.9.1 fills in bottom pattern of print
I am currently printing trays for the Box Turtle AFC that have a waffle-type pattern on the bottom. In the previous version of PursaSlicer, the waffle pattern was reproduced. However with this new version, a solid bottom is produced. Any ideas why?
RE: PursaSlicer 2.9.1 fills in bottom pattern of print
Without your project file its impossible to say. However my best guess is you have accidentally changed the slicing mode to Fill Holes. Check under Print Settings>Advanced>Slicing Mode.
For a proper non guess answer take your problem Prusa slicer and slice so you have the issue and then use File>Save Project As. That will save a PS 3,f file. The 3mf file from PS will contain the part but more importantly a copy of all the settings fromm the profiles you are using as well as as modifiers, placement etc.
If you do decide to post your file then to attach it here it MUST be zipped up or the forum will just silently reject it and not attach it.
RE: PursaSlicer 2.9.1 fills in bottom pattern of print
Thank you - you were right. The slicing mode was set to fill holes.
Thanks again!