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"Purge to Infill" behavior  

New Member
"Purge to Infill" behavior

Hi everyone! I'm using Prusa Slicer 2.1 with an Ender 3 that I've overloaded with 6 extruders and one hotend. I use a fairly long custom toolchange script to move the toolhead to a purge bucket, back out the old filament, load the new filament, and purge a certain amount of filament into the bucket. Ideally I'd like the next print moves to work like "print infill before perimeters" on at least the next layer, so that the next filament out of the nozzle after the toolchange script completes ends up in infill. I assumed that this is what "purge to infill" is supposed to do, but it does not seem to do this. What is the intended behavior of this setting? Thanks in advance!

Posted : 25/10/2019 12:11 am