PrusaSlicer crashes after rotating specific STL and then trying to slice it
I have this strange issue that every time I try to slice this STL, PrusaSlicer just gives up as if my design was stupid enough. I attribute it to some issue with error correction, because normally it slices without any issues when trying to not rotate it / place it on another face.
Terminal output:
prusa-slicer rpi_poe_holder.stl ✔ [2025-02-09 18:08:17.828721] [0x00007b1c0de15080] [error] UserAccount: Failed to read token - no datafile found. 18:08:18: Debug: window wxTreeCtrl@0x5fcc3a935400 ("treeCtrl") lost focus even though it didn't have it 18:08:18: Debug: window wxTreeCtrl@0x5fcc3a935400 ("treeCtrl") lost focus even though it didn't have it /usr/include/c++/14.2.1/bits/stl_vector.h:1213: std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::reference std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::front() [with _Tp = unsigned char; _Alloc = std::allocator<unsigned char>; reference = unsigned char&]: Assertion '!this->empty()' failed. zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped) prusa-slicer rpi_poe_holder.stl
Did you notice the warning triangle against it in the parts list?
The file has over 500 errors including being defined as almost 150 metres long ... the slicer has to make too many guesses when error correcting.
Go back to the original CAD and make sure the export is set up for 3D printing.
RE: PrusaSlicer crashes after rotating specific STL and then trying to slice it
Thanks for your reply.
I am aware of all the errors and I've corrected them all. But that's not the point of the main issue here. What I'm trying to point out is that with a very specific STL the program crashes without any warning which is not really user friendly. I might try to look at the source code and debug the issue, but if anyone from the dev team sees this and already has the debugging environment set up, they might be much more efficient solving this issue.
This is a user to user forum. If you want to contact the devs raise a bug report on Prusa's github.