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[Solved] PrusaSlicer 2.73 doesnt start  

Active Member
PrusaSlicer 2.73 doesnt start

Whenever i open the Prusaslicer.exe the window starts and after this screen it just kills the Task.

Since i started the 2.73 version the older ones dont execute aswell 

any idea?


Best Answer by Pre:

i talked with the support and he walked me through backing upp the  APPdata folder for the profiles 

And guided me through the clean uninstallation with the Revo UNinstaller

Afterwards clean install 

then backing up the profiles its working now

Posted : 29/03/2024 7:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Checked my Eventlogs and this is what im getting 



Event Log Detail:

  • Event ID: 1000
  • Level: Error
  • Task Category: (100)
  • Date and Time: 2024-03-29T22:38:33.2338165Z
  • Event Record ID: 69196

Faulting Application Details:

  • Application Name: prusa-slicer.exe
  • Application Version:
  • Fault Module Name: PrusaSlicer.dll
  • Fault Module Version:
  • Exception Code: c0000005
  • Fault Offset: 000000000015c0a2
  • Process ID: 3de4
  • Application Start Time: 01da8229d3ff0d9e

File Paths:

  • Application Path: C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\PrusaSlicer\prusa-slicer.exe
  • Module Path: C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\PrusaSlicer\PrusaSlicer.dll

Report ID: de2975bf-3fb7-4f94-a5f0-33518718cf59

Computer Name: DESKTOP-MI86DLE

Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

This post was modified 6 months ago by Pre
Posted : 29/03/2024 10:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.73 doesnt start

i talked with the support and he walked me through backing upp the  APPdata folder for the profiles 

And guided me through the clean uninstallation with the Revo UNinstaller

Afterwards clean install 

then backing up the profiles its working now

Posted : 29/03/2024 11:38 pm