Prusa Slicer filling in random holes in my model
Hi, I'm new to designing models in 3D in blender. I created this by making the shape I liked on a flat plane, and then extruding it to the height I wanted. When I import the .stl into Prusa Slicer, it fills in random holes about halfway up the slices. Any idea how to fix this? thanks. File attached test_model_v3
RE: Prusa Slicer filling in random holes in my model
your model is very small, and Blender often seems to produce stl's containing errors
See the orange triangles to the right of the Image (Click image to enlarge)
You can fix most errors using the windows Repair algorithm, as above
However the resultant sliced image is not very good
If you enlarged the model, the centre detail would be more easy to resolve properly as shown qith the 300% Model above
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK