Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs
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Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs  

New Member
Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs


I use PrusaSlicer on several computers and each time I make tweaks of print, filament and printer settings I have to export a ConfigBundle and import them on the other computers manually. I store the bundle file on a gdrive folder to make the syncing a little easier but if for any reason I forget to update the profiles on any of the machines with the latest profile settings and I then tweak some other things, then my new exported bundle contains a mix of old and new settings (depending on what I just changed / changed last time on the other computer)...

Now, another way to do this would be to automatically sync the .ini files on "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\PrusaSlicer\" but the problem is that not all of the computers I use are on the same network and also not all of them run the same Prusa Slicer version all the time and I am not sure about cross-compatibility.

So a nice solution to this would be to be able to log into your account in PrusaSlicer and have all the settings stored on the cloud and getting to chose which settings should sync and which others not (like you get to do using the dropbox or gdrive apps). Also each time you open PrusaSlicer you could get a warning message letting you know there are new profiles available?

Maybe this is already on the pipeline or someone knows a workaround to this "issue"?


Posted : 18/10/2020 11:04 am
RE: Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs

Feature requests like this is best asked on GitHib: Here

PS has a command line option to specify the placement of the configuration files "-datadir", this makes it possible to store the files on a local share or in DropBox. Maybe this option can be used to do want you want.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Posted : 18/10/2020 11:14 am
mwelter liked
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs


thanks for the tip. The only issue with this is that on one of the PCs I can't install dropbox (work PC without admin rights).

I'll open an feature request on GitHub.

Posted : 18/10/2020 11:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs
Posted by: @marcel-w

[...] The only issue with this is that on one of the PCs I can't install dropbox (work PC without admin rights).

I'm able to run SyncThing on a work PC without admin rights. I do have to launch it manually on login (it doesn't run as a service), but it works very well for this sort of thing.


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and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 18/10/2020 2:30 pm
RE: Prusa Slicer Cloud Settings - Sync Settings between PCs

If ever this can be useful to anyone, I've gotten around this issue by writing a batch script that downloads the 'master' configuration from my Github, and replaces PrusaSlicer's AppData folder with it. I upload the entire contents of Prusaslicer's Appdata folder (sans the backups and whatnot) to the Github repo when I make important changes. The advantage of this method over the config bundle is that it's much faster, and that it includes system presets too.

Note that git needs to be installed on your machine.


set repoauthor=[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]
set remotesource= 

git clone %remotesource%

set source=%CD%/%reponame%
set destination=%appdata%\PrusaSlicer
robocopy %source% %destination% /mir /move
Posted : 28/04/2023 6:39 pm
You and liked
Martin Dravecky

Nice one.

I use GDrive and synchronize config using Windows simlink, which replaces original folders. I was not sure, if all config is transferable, thus synced only folders with filament, print and printers config.

Script link settings.bat is placed in synced cloud folder and guides user to bind/unbind config folders as one time action on each account/computer desired. 

Note: before first use, create/copy configuration folders to cloud folder. Non-inclused folders will be ignored by script. Script can be run repeatedly, is parametrized, guided, densely commented and pretty self-explanatory to alter.

This post was modified 7 months ago by Martin Dravecky
Posted : 29/07/2024 7:04 pm