"Physical Printer" tab doesn't load for my MK3S+
Hi, haven't posted here in ages 😉
I'm using PS Version 2.8.1+MacOS-arm64 with my MK3S+ running PrusaLink 0.8.1. I can tell "Login with Apple" has been fixed and I can now log into PrusaConnect from within Prusa Slicer so the "Prusa Connect" tab works now. But when I try the "Physical Printer" tab in Prusa Slicer, all I'm getting is "Connection failed: something went wrong". I have my proper Prusa Link hostname and API key configured in my Physical Printer instance and it's working fine when I'm pushing prints directly to PrusaLink. Is there something wrong with my configuration or is that expected behaviour with MKS3+?
BTW, would it be possible for PrusaSlicer devs to bump up the default G-code thumbnail resolution in MK3+ factory profiles? The current 160x120 looks blurred in PrusaLink and I don't fancy modifying my profiles (having "modified" label, etc.) just to change that 😉
All the best,