Organic support on inner side only
I made a demo house with windows. Used Organic support from Build Plate. All support starts from the inside except one making the house unable to print.
Is it possible to fix: No support created outside printable area.
Picture and source:
Many thanks in advance for this phantastic software. Prusa slicer 2.9.1
Mr Anders
Please post your saved prusa slicer project file. Use File>Save Project as. Then take the resulting .3mf file and ZIP it up and attach it to a reply here. It must be zipped or the forum will silently just not attach it.
With the project we can debug the issue, although personally I'm wondering why you aren't using snug supports instead of tree.
RE: Organic support on inner side only
Snug support don´t support the windows at all.
RE: Organic support on inner side only
The tree support algorithm still leaves a lot to be desired, and your issue with it placing them in idiotic spots and exceeding the bed limits has been reported many times on the Prusa Slcier github. Still nothing been done about it yet.
For example this one from 2018
You literally have no control over it and it always places at least one outside the bed. You could attempt to place other models in that outside area so that the bed is not accessible, but that is painful to do and might not work anyway.
Thank you for attaching the project though. I have attached a modified version. This way supports your areas and does not extend beyond the print bed.
Please examine the support settings inside. If you examine the model you will also see that I've defined areas for support and then used the option for support enforcers only. The results should print faster too.
RE: Organic support on inner side only
Thank you very much. Ill test it when I coma home.
Best regards