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Multi-Material Text with PS?  

Estimable Member
Multi-Material Text with PS?

Sorry if this has been asked before, I just can't seem to find a match right away.

The text tool in PS is awesome, but it seems like it's just mostly for cutout or embossing.

What would be the way to add text to a model that is just in a different color / material? It doesn't need to be receded or embossed, just flush
Would it be 2 times the same text with different settings?

Best Answer by Steve:

It is possible in 2.6, I just managed to do it.
Turns out to be stupidly simple, as I'm used to from Prusa.

Just add text (which will be embossed initially),
Z it down until it is flush.
Change the material.

Question answered I guess. Should've thought of trying this first lol.

XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S

Posted : 22/11/2023 9:05 am
Reputable Member
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

If a bit of embossing is OK for you, there's a simple way to achieve that. You can specify a color change on a specific layer by moving the slider on the right in the slicing preview and clicking the "+" sign right of the slider. When reaching that layer, the printer will ask you to change filaments and then continues with the new color. I have attached a sample PrusaSlicer project file and a picture of the result.

My models on Printables
Posted : 22/11/2023 9:35 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?
Posted by: @zappes

If a bit of embossing is OK for you, there's a simple way to achieve that. You can specify a color change on a specific layer by moving the slider on the right in the slicing preview and clicking the "+" sign right of the slider. When reaching that layer, the printer will ask you to change filaments and then continues with the new color. I have attached a sample PrusaSlicer project file and a picture of the result.

Thanks you for your reply. The "color change at layer" is indeed very handy and I've used it often before, but this question is specifically about how to add text within PrusaSlicer that is flush and can be printed in another color.

I have a couple models that can be personalized but that are not suited for embossed text. I also don't feel like updating my models and re-slicing them for every name if this functionality can be achieved easily within PrusaSlicer. It would save me heaps of time.


XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S

Posted : 22/11/2023 9:45 am
Reputable Member
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

Well, with the MMU profiles you can combine multiple models and assign colors to each model. In that case you'd need an STL for the object with cutout text and one STL with only the text in it. This would also require you to remodel and reslice, though - and I don't think that it would work without an MMU at all.

I read somewehere that OrcaSlicer allows you to paint objects, which would be what you are looking for. OrcaSlicer is a fork of Bambu Studio which, in turn, is a fork of PrusaSlicer, so this might be a solution for you. I have never tested the slicer myself, though, so I can't say if it actually has this function and how good the software is overall. Might be worth a try, though.

My models on Printables
Posted : 22/11/2023 9:50 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

Hello. Thank you for the reply, but once again: the question is specifically about NOT having to do that.

I have about 30 names and I really don't feel like recreating my STLs for every one of them.

PrusaSlicer has a built-it "add text" tool that allows you to add it "at runtime" without having to remake your STLs. My question is how to use this tool to achieve the same effect within the slicer. I presume it would be adding the text as a layer in mode "cut" first and then once again as the "new color". I just want to figure out how to best do this.

XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S

Posted : 22/11/2023 9:54 am
Reputable Member
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

Yes, I understood that - that's why I linked to OrcaSlicer. I think that has a tool for painting colors directly onto your object, and I assumed that this function might be useful for doing exactly what you want: Painting a name in a color onto an existing STL in the slicer. The problem is just that I haven't tried the software myself, so I can't say for sure if it will fully fulfill your requirements, but it's worth a shot.

My models on Printables
Posted : 22/11/2023 10:00 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:

This forum is specifically about PrusaSlicer, my question relates to PrusaSlicer.
It can add text to models (which I've used before to add cutouts or embossed), the multi-material variant should be doable in there. Hence the question.
I'm really not looking for a reference to other software, I don't know how to make that clearer...

XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S

Posted : 22/11/2023 10:04 am
Reputable Member
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

Well, then you are out of luck, at least with PS 2.6.1. Maybe the Alpha can help you - it added SVG support for the embossing function, maybe they also included colors. I haven't tried it, I don't know.

The reason I pointed to Orca is that it's basically PrusaSlicer, but with more features. If you don't want to try that, I can't help you. Sorry for inconveniencing you.

My models on Printables
Posted : 22/11/2023 10:12 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

It is possible in 2.6, I just managed to do it.
Turns out to be stupidly simple, as I'm used to from Prusa.

Just add text (which will be embossed initially),
Z it down until it is flush.
Change the material.

Question answered I guess. Should've thought of trying this first lol.

XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S

Posted : 22/11/2023 10:25 am
ssmith liked
RE: Multi-Material Text with PS?

Thanks Steve for simple solution, I was searching for something like that.

I also found this tutorial on YT, which would be more usefull for more complex stuff.

Posted : 24/10/2024 7:31 pm