MMU filament settings UI documentation - what do the little colored bars indicate
We have a 5 tool MMU on our XL. We have been unable to find much documentation on how it integrates with the Slicer. Of course we have read the high level "how to" type stuff. What we can't find is documentation on, for example, what these little colored bars are supposed to represent. See attached screen shot. I'd be pleased to read documentation if you would point me to it.
Best Answer by Jim Schrempp:
A friend says this, "The large color swatch is the filament type default color. E.g. PETG is orange. The smaller swatch is the color configured for that media for display in the plater views"
RE: MMU filament settings UI documentation - what do the little colored bars indicate
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: MMU filament settings UI documentation - what do the little colored bars indicate
Thank you. That is good but it doesn't talk about the second (and larger) color block shown. In the screenshot I've changed the display color to white and red. There's still a big blue block. What does that indicate?
RE: MMU filament settings UI documentation - what do the little colored bars indicate
A friend says this, "The large color swatch is the filament type default color. E.g. PETG is orange. The smaller swatch is the color configured for that media for display in the plater views"
RE: MMU filament settings UI documentation - what do the little colored bars indicate
To expand on this. The big color box is the color set under Filament profiles.
Now why you need two boxes instead of just showing the new color, and why the new color box is smaller than the default even though obviously it's more important or you wouldn't have changed it, who knows...
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...