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[Solved] Mac Vs Linux vs Windows  

Active Member
Mac Vs Linux vs Windows

I was trying to add text and there seems to be no way to do that in the Mac version of Prusa Slicer 2.7.1 ARM; at least not via right clicking an object.  Is tha a Windows only feature?  I tried installing the Windows version in a VM but it won't install on WidowsARM.  Does the Linux version have it or am I missing how to add text to an object?

Posted : 21/02/2024 4:51 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Mac Vs Linux vs Windows

On windows its right click>Add Modifier>Text.  Are you saying its missing from the menu there ?

Posted : 21/02/2024 5:46 pm
Active Member
RE: Mac Vs Linux vs Windows

On a mac it is the same right click>Add Modifier>Text.

Prusa MK4

Posted : 21/02/2024 5:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mac Vs Linux vs Windows


Posted by: @richard3d

On a mac it is the same right click>Add Modifier>Text.


Posted by: @neophyl

On windows its right click>Add Modifier>Text.  Are you saying its missing from the menu there ?

Yup, not in the men. T works however; so I added it that way.




Posted : 21/02/2024 6:29 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Mac Vs Linux vs Windows

That is perhaps only in the version for ARM. On the appimage for x64 linux the option for adding text is there in the menu. You did select level "Expert" or "Advanced", right?

Posted : 21/02/2024 7:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mac Vs Linux vs Windows


Posted by: @walter-layher

That is perhaps only in the version for ARM. On the appimage for x64 linux the option for adding text is there in the menu. You did select level "Expert" or "Advanced", right?

Nope.  I feel dumb; for teh first time in this engineer's life I decided to actually not jump right into the deep end. Duh.


Thanks for the tip,


Posted : 21/02/2024 7:56 pm