Location of Configuration Folder
Is it possible to set the location of the Configuration folder.
I'm still iffy about 2.4... and I want to have the option to use 2.3. But the standard 2.4 install overwrites the 2.4 Configuration. I could just revert to 2.4.1 RC1 which creates a discrete Configuration folder.
RE: Location of Configuration Folder
You cant set the location from the software Towlerg. You can start it with command line switches to define where it is though. The easiest is something like the following in a batch file
prusa-slicer-console.exe --datadir settings
This would start prusa-slicer-console.exe and tell it to use a folder called settings in the local folder. If 'settings' didnt exist then it will create one. It would be like running it for the first time so it would go through the wizard. Once done though you can use the config bundle export and then import to get all your custom settings into the new location. Or you could copy the contents of the default 2.3 folder into settings and then start the software.
Its how I run multiple instances as each folder with a different version has its own settings folder. As long as you remember to start with the batch file each time it will use Settings.
RE: Location of Configuration Folder
prusa-slicer-console.exe --datadir settings
Sweet, thanks a million. Just out of curiosity do you know of a list of command line arguments. I look on Prusa database and it only has half a dozen almost all from Slic3r.
RE: Location of Configuration Folder
To late to edit. To answer my own question, run c:\PrusaSlicer-2.4.1\prusa-slicer-console.exe --help-fff from CMD.EXE