Is this slicers handling of Filament etc. as bad as it feels to me?
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Is this slicers handling of Filament etc. as bad as it feels to me?  

Trusted Member
Is this slicers handling of Filament etc. as bad as it feels to me?

I want an MMUS 2.5 printer setup which Prusa for some reason does not provide.  I therefore create one from the Single nozzle version thinking that will give me a headstart.

When I come to slice my filament is not there, only the generic standard ones.  I check in my folder they are all there, and they do show up for other "printers" if I go back to them.   Eventually after deciding I was not going to be able to point anything at the folder in which these definitions sit I decide to create new ones for this "printer".  When I try to save it I am told I can't because there is a filament of that name available already.

This area of management of the filament and settings seems to be generally pretty weird.  Has anyone got a handle on how to work with this if you insist on using different nozzle sizes and therefore generate multiple printers each of which seems to have to be totally setup from scratch with its own version of filaments even though those new definitions will be the same...

Posted : 15/06/2020 12:17 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Is this slicers handling of Filament etc. as bad as it feels to me?

It was a change is the recent versions which added the Vendor spaces.  Not sure of the specifics of MMU etc as I dont have one but those with custom printers suddenly found themselves without access to the majority of the filament profiles as they 'belong' to the prusa vendor space.  I know the reasoning behind it but it caused some nashing of teeth 🙂  I suspect the MMU printers dont match some other compatibility criteria within the vendor space.

You can detach a filament (or Print Profile) from the vendor space using the detach button.

As you have discovered though you cant save with the same name as one used by the default profiles after detaching it.  What I did as a workaround for others is to create a config bundle that you can import using File>Import Config Bundle.  The bundle contains most of the default filaments edited to make them not attached to any vendor space and with a name prefix.  As they have been made generic you might want to check that they are suitable to your printer before use 🙂 

GenericFilaments_Neo_20200401  give them a go and see if that helps.

Posted : 15/06/2020 2:05 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is this slicers handling of Filament etc. as bad as it feels to me?

Thanks neophyl,  feels like this area needs a lot of work 🙂

Swapping between different nozzles is a real hotchpotch and it should be quite easily.  I also find 3mf files don't contain all the settings every time either...

Still it improves every release and I've not gone back to cura yet 😉


Posted : 15/06/2020 3:12 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Is this slicers handling of Filament etc. as bad as it feels to me?

3mf files saved from Prusa Slicer should contain all the settings. I’ve never had a problem with that. You could have a corrupted profile in Slicer which has been known to occasionally cause weird problems. 
might be worth backing up the profile folders and doing a clean install to see if that fixes things. You can always restore the old folders. The other thing to do semi regularly before updating is saving a config bundle. That way it’s easy to restore all your custom profiles. 

Posted : 15/06/2020 3:37 pm