How to select PETG-CF filament for MK4S?
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How to select PETG-CF filament for MK4S?  

Estimable Member
How to select PETG-CF filament for MK4S?

I installed an obxidian hardened nozzle and I want to slice & print with PETG-CF.  I must be missing something obvious, but when I try to select a filament in PrusaSlicer I only see those which I suppose are compatible with my printer but none with CF.  Yet, the Configuration manager lists several CF products.  How do I make them available to slice with?  Thanks for any help!

Posted : 01/02/2025 5:18 am
Estimable Member

They way I go about it is setting up a custom filament profile. The manufacturers often have slicer settings you can just copy or even download to your slicer. If it's a PETG-CF I usually copy the PETG profile and make adjustments to it. Or I would just take some generic PETG-CF filament that's already inside the Prusa Slicer and use that (or adjust that).

Posted : 01/02/2025 8:00 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks so much, but can you please walk me through the steps?  I can’t get any of the PETG-CF profiles to show up to even begin to edit.  I see them listed in Configuration but not listed in PS.  What am I missing?  🤪  I’ve only been using PS for a couple of months.

This post was modified 1 month ago by LarGriff
Posted : 01/02/2025 2:49 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How to select PETG-CF filament for MK4S?

No matter what filaments you add via the wizard once installed they will only be visible to certain combinations of printer/nozzles etc.  That because they have printer/print conditions and also dependencies.  It can get very complex.  Basically Prusa only allow combinations of what they have tested and know will work.  Other wise they would get masses of support calls when people inevitably have problems.  Basically I'm guessing that your printer/nozzle combo has no petg-cf profile.  

That's why using a custom filament profile has been suggested.  Although even there, if you copy one then your copy will still have all the conditions for what its compatible with unless you know how to remove them.  Just select your printer and look for a basic petg profile to start with and then modify that to suit petg-cf and then save it as a custom profile.  

Firstly make sure you are in expert mode in PS.  Then go to Configuration>Preferences (or use cntrl+P) .  Look for a setting called 'show incompatible print and filament presets'.  Make sure its ticked.

That will make the dropdowns show incompatible ones, they will have a little red or green flags next to the name to show which are which.

Once you are in expert mode you will see a section called Dependencies at the bottom of the lists for Print Settings or Filament Profiles.  
In that section you should see a Compatible Printers entry and also a Compatible Printers Condition.  Those determine what combinations of printer or Vendor or basically anything using keywords is compatible.  If it doesn't match those conditions it wont be seen so you can select it.   So you might have "printer_notes=~/.*PRINTER_VENDOR_CREALITY.*/" in a filaments compatible printers field.  Unless the selected printer profile has "PRINTER_VENDOR_CREALITY" in its notes field then the filament wouldnt show in the list normally as its not meeting the condition.  That's the 'old' way of controlling things which prusa still use extensively.  You can clear out those conditions and save the profile as a custom one (you cant save over a system one, it wont allow you). 

The other way profiles get limited is the 'new' Vendor space system.  There's a Detach from Preset Button you can use to do that. That clears any link to other profiles it may be based on.  You might not need to do that depending on just how its been controlled though.  Breaking the link also has some other side effects that I wont go into here.  Save again afterwards of courseif you do detach it.  By using either one or both of these methods you can create profiles that can be used by any printer or print profile.

Of course if you go messing around with this then you accept responsibility for any issues or even possible damage.  One reason profiles are locked down is things like Pressure Advance settings for example are defined in a filament setting.  And PA will vary from printer to printer even for the same filament.  SO make sure you are aware of everything that may be included and evaluate everything before using your shiny new custom profile.

Posted : 02/02/2025 1:17 am
LarGriff liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to select PETG-CF filament for MK4S?

Thank you for the extra info!  I do have a compatible printer/nozzle combination (MK4S, Hardened 0.4 Nozzle) so PETG-CF *should* be allowed.  I finally figured out one way of copying/modifying/renaming/saving new profiles but it sure seems awkward.  I wish Prusa’s documentation was better, but it’s so convoluted with outdated or non-applicable info.  Apparently, only a handful of gurus like yourself really understand PrusaSlicer but for new users trying to get up to speed it is very difficult.  Thanks again.

Posted : 02/02/2025 2:13 pm