How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?
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[Solved] How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?  

Making Things
Eminent Member
How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?


How can I avoid those support towers to be generated? They look unnecessary, take time, and most likely will fail as they are only one line wide. Having the support rest on the case of the 4 perimeters wide wall should be totally sufficient.


Posted : 17/11/2019 11:31 am
Making Things
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?

Ok. I figured out how to do it.

The value "Pattern Spacing" defaults to 2mm which is wider than the wall thickness. To support the 2mm wide support structure, that tower is built. (which most likely will fail but that's another issue). To avoid this, reduce the "Pattern Spacing" value to a something smaller than the wall thickness, 0.2mm for example. The the support is built inside the cut-outs only.


Posted : 17/11/2019 5:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?

The best way to limit support creation is to use support modifiers.  You can add a support blocker to very accurately limit or force where supports are created.

Posted : 17/11/2019 8:28 pm
Making Things
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?


Thanks for the recommendation. I tried that at first with a support enforcer (and allowing only supports from that), but that didn't prevent that support tower to be built outside of the enforcer body. That's why I was puzzled first.

Posted : 17/11/2019 11:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?

Yeah - after I hit post it occurred to me you want support inside that window.  But I'd build them manually rather than let slicer make them: otherwise you are in for a struggle to remove them.  But you might want to try leaving the support interface layers off, just ensure the support pattern is 90 to the bridging perimeters.

Posted : 18/11/2019 5:50 am
Mateusz M
New Member
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?

Can you please indicate what should I set in PrusaSlicer in order to disable the tower?

I have following 3d model:

PrusaSlicer gives me such result after enabling support (I tried many parameters, this one has Pattern Spacing set to 0.1mm):

In Cura there is an option to disable towers and gives such result:

How can I accomplish same with PrusaSlicer?

This post was modified 5 years ago by Mateusz M
Posted : 11/09/2020 3:51 pm
Cedric Eveleigh
Active Member
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?

I'm experiencing the same issue as @mateusz-masior. I find that Cura works much better than Prusa Slicer for achieving want I want, which is similar to what's shown the last post by @mateusz-masior.

Posted : 17/12/2020 10:03 pm
New Member
RE: How to remove/avoid unnecessary support towers?


One question regarding support towers: Is there any way to prevent them building up from the bottom, instead printing them in angle to reduce print time and material waste significantly?


I think supports aren't necessary on the right of the red line, with some layer shift it could be much more efficient. I've minimal experience with blockers, but based on my research, they aren't able to work that way. Is there any way to force the slicer to do this?

Thank you in advance,


Posted : 20/12/2020 6:31 pm