How can I transfer the all the print settings of the MK3 Draft preset to use on another manufactures printer
I want to experiment with the settings that are used in the MK3 draft preset, with my Elegoo Neptune 3 printer that I am curently using with prusa slicerand have the profiles that are available with prusa slicer.
If I save the config from the MK3 with the draft profile, and then swith to my other printer, when i import the config , it always sets me back to the MK3 printer?
RE: How can I transfer the all the print settings of the MK3 Draft preset to use on another manufactures printer
Correct. You need to learn about vendor profiles, inheritance and breaking that link. Also there are compatible printer conditions in the settings. The profiles are deliberately set up to only allow specific combinations.
save a copy of the preset(s), then use the dependency button in each profile to break the system vendor link, then you have to go through and remove the compatible printers settings. Also don’t forget to remove anything printer specific, like the linear advance values in the filament profiles for example.
Also why aren’t you using the installable profile for the Neptune 3 available in the install wizard ?
RE: How can I transfer the all the print settings of the MK3 Draft preset to use on another manufactures printer
Sound like the answer is you can not basically, thought there might be an easy way other than just copying it.
RE: How can I transfer the all the print settings of the MK3 Draft preset to use on another manufactures printer
Oh its quite do-able, you just have to understand what you are doing.
Bob's excellent info
Some previous posts about this
RE: How can I transfer the all the print settings of the MK3 Draft preset to use on another manufactures printer
Thanks for the inf! Neopphyl ! Very helpful.