High flow nozzle setting - does it do anything?
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High flow nozzle setting - does it do anything?  

Active Member
High flow nozzle setting - does it do anything?

Wondering if anyone knows if this checkbox under:

Printers -> Extruder#

actually does anything?  Trying to do my research on the newer High Flow / CHT nozzles and do not see any change in predicted print times within PrusaSlicer when I select this check box.  I have PrusaSlicer set up with the following configurations for my two machines:

  • Mk4S 0.4 nozzle
  • Mk4S HF0.4 nozzle
  • XL 5T 0.4 nozzle
  • XL 5T HF0.4 nozzle

Using Clockspring's Torture Toaster for reference and using the 0.20mm SPEED setting in Prusament PLA, the Mk4 0.4 nozzle profile estimates 5 hr 40 min print time whether or not the "High Flow Nozzle" checkbox is checked.  When I use the HF0.4 nozzle profile  5 hr 34 min is the estimated print time, again whether or not the checkbox is checked.  With the XL, results are similar: 6 hr 9 min with the standard 0.4 nozzle profile and 6 hr 5 min with the HF0.4 profile, both profile's times remain consistant regardless of the checkbox status.

Wondering if this does something important for temperatures or other G-code whatever to make the high flow nozzles perform correctly, or if anyone knows of any intent to use the checkbox in the future, etc.  Really wondering if I can forget the checkbox exists and just remember to select the appropriate profile, or if there is something I am missing.

Currently running PrusaSlicer version 2.9.0.

Posted : 30/12/2024 10:51 pm
Prominent Member
RE: High flow nozzle setting - does it do anything?

I think the only thing the checkbox does is set a flag somewhere in the settings at the beginning of the gcode so the printer can alert you if you have HF set up in the printer or not. The HF printer profiles, however, have different print profiles. Here is a comparison to the MK4S speed for with and without HF nozzles:

Note the higher speeds.

Here is a comparison of Prusament PLA filament profiles nonHF and HF:

Note the higher max flow rate for the HF profile, among other things.

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Posted : 31/12/2024 6:46 am
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