Gaps in Small Text
Hi all,
I have some text that I modeled with Freecad as a solid, about 10mm tall on the face. Exported to 3mf and loaded in PrusaSlicer, then printing with an SV06+ with .4mm nozzle. The slicer is leaving small but noticeable gaps on the face of some of the letters, and the printer is properly following the instruction. I have played with extrusion width and infill overlap settings, but the slicer doesn't seem to want to fill these gaps. Any suggestions on something to try?
RE: Gaps in Small Text
use a height range modifier to make the letters have only one perimeter the infill should then do a better job of filling the letters. another trick is to use a sanserif font such as Gill Sans instead of say Times Roman this will reduce the very narrow sections of text which complicate the slicing. Bold letters fill better than normal letters. stay away from Condensed fonts
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Gaps in Small Text
Thanks so much for your suggestion. I have added a height modifier and reduced the perimiters to 1 and the slicer is showing much better coverage. This is a new setting/technique for me! I will run a test soon and share my results.
On the font choice, I did think through those issues as you mentioned. I am using Arial Black here.
Here is what PS is showing now.