Feature Request: 3D printable font generator in prusa slicer
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Feature Request: 3D printable font generator in prusa slicer  

Feature Request: 3D printable font generator in prusa slicer

There tends to be need to add text to the vertical face of the print.

The text -tool that prusa slicer, and 3D modeling programs offer, are not very good for 3d printing.

e.g in letter O, the bottom of the center is bound to be and overhang, and it come out ugly and unprofessional.

The only possible solution is a feature, that makes text suitable for vertical face with angles better for printing.

Example in picture

Posted : 18/12/2024 11:39 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature Request: 3D printable font generator in prusa slicer

This is a user to user forum.  The devs rarely interact here.  The official place for feature requests and bug reports are the various Prusa github repositories.  For example the Prusa Slicer one is located https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues   

Before opening a new issue please make sure to search both open and closed existing issues with any relevant search keywords to avoid duplicates and please follow the submission guidelines.


As an aside to your comment about text tools and CAD, if I were to add text to a model in Blender doing this is extremely easy, just add a chamfer to the text  before using it as a cutter.  So not ALL programs make it difficult.

Posted : 19/12/2024 8:21 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature Request: 3D printable font generator in prusa slicer

Just searched and its already been requested https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/9575   

Posted : 19/12/2024 8:27 am