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Different thickness  

Eminent Member
Different thickness

Via Blender one flat object Z=2.32 mm. In Prusa Slicer cut in 2 pieces Vertical 50/50 . In Prusa each object Z= is 2.32 mm. After printing one is 2.90 the other 1.20. How come?

Posted : 13/12/2023 6:01 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Different thickness

Too little information.  Please save a prusa Slicer project file and attach it to a reply here.  File>Save Project As.  That will save a PS .3mf file.  The 3md file will contain your models and all the settings you are slicing with, as well as any modifiers etc you are using.  So basically save after you have cut the object.  It might also be an idea to attach the original non cut object.  

To attach files to the forum you MUST zip them up first.  SO zip them both into a single archive we can look at. If you don't the forum will silently just not attach a file.  Given the limited edit time here too its best practice to check your post immediately after and see if the file attached.  

Posted : 13/12/2023 6:52 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Different thickness

Some people never learn 🙄 europe_1

Posted : 13/12/2023 7:59 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Different thickness

Ok, had to export the 2 parts of the map and then load them into Blender to see what was going on.  The part you have on the bed (the not Russia map) is actually a thickness of 2.32mm which given that your layer height is 0.2 slices to 2.4mm , so completely normal and not surprising.

The Russia part though is a bit screwed up.  If you look carefully in PS around the A in Russia and around one of the curve edges you can see there are stray verts sticking up.  The main area is actually 1.16mm thick.  The stray verts stick up to 2.32005mm.  So the bounding box is 2.32005. However they wont slice due to resolution on the slicer.  The main part though does slice 1.2mm due to layer height and then the little bit above the A in Russia is slicing in mid air taking the total layer height to 2.2.  Basically it doesn't go to 2.4 as the point of those stray verts isn't big enough to rate an extra layer. (click on image to see full size)

Basically you need to clean up your model in Blender. I'm guessing you tried to solidify something like a svg outline ?  Whenever there's text it usually doesn't work too well as the outline of text always seems to be messed up.  You have to clean text up first to make it nice and clean before using solidify.  Actually I tend to use extrude once its cleaned up as the results are often better.

Posted : 13/12/2023 9:23 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Different thickness

Thanks Neophyl! I have made the same project with the United States of America. There was no problem with the variations in thickness (Z). Now I know why. The basis for all objects is Inkscape. There I have split everything and you do not have any problems with splitting combined with text in that case. I do not know anymore why I had chosen splitting in PS.

Posted : 14/12/2023 8:01 am