Custom G-code is removed (cleared) when new model is added or model is replaced
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Custom G-code is removed (cleared) when new model is added or model is replaced  

Eminent Member
Custom G-code is removed (cleared) when new model is added or model is replaced

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Add custom G-code at a give layer by right-click on (+) sign on layers' ruler.
  • Add new model to the project or replace the model from context menu.

Result: custom G-code is removed.

Expected: custom G-code is reserved.

Additionally: Context menu reads "Replace with STL" however allows to replace with 3MF/OBJ/etc, so it's better to rename it to "Replace model"

Posted : 16/04/2024 10:16 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Custom G-code is removed (cleared) when new model is added or model is replaced

Hi.  This is a user to user forum.  If you want to report what you think is a bug or make a feature request then you need to open an issue on the Prusa Slicer github (after first making sure that there isn't an existing one by search both open and closed issues with as many relevant keywords).

The PS github is here

However its acting the way I would expect.  Reloading a model invalidates many of the actions in PS.  For example painting etc for seams or supports.  What if you insert something at layer 300 and then your updated model only has 100 layers ?  It is a better fall back position to clear out things when you have a new/different model.  

As for the menu item naming that was already brought up in   

Posted : 16/04/2024 11:25 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Custom G-code is removed (cleared) when new model is added or model is replaced

I agree, this behavior makes sense as some of these modifications (such as a adding custom gcode) may become invalid easily when reloading a model. Should the software prompt you to retain such modifications when reloading a model? Maybe, and something you may want to suggest as an enhancement on Github.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 16/04/2024 12:03 pm