Creating image to show customers ahead of time, Help???????
Is there any way I can create an image of a prospective sliced file to show a customer?
I've tried everything I can think of using the available tools in the PrusaSlicer and can't find anything.
RE: Creating image to show customers ahead of time, Help???????
Do you mean just a printscreen or do you want the customer to be able to walk through all layers ?
Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...
RE: Creating image to show customers ahead of time, Help???????
I never thought of that, though I'm not total sure it would create an image of the proposed creation other than to show the piece sitting on the platen.
RE: Creating image to show customers ahead of time, Help???????
Windows and MacOS both have screen capture tools built in. So why would Prusa re-invent the wheel.
On a Mac you can also use Cmd-Shift-5 to create a video recording so you can scroll through the layers. I don't know anymore if you can do that on Windows (I used a tool called Greenshot).
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...