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Cracks in my models?  

Cracks in my models?

Using latest version of PS.

Photos tell the story. Weird cracks in the model. I'm showing one crack, there are three or four in the model.

Changing infill types, percentages or quality levels doesn't seem to change anything. I'm still a novice when it comes to this, so I don't know what I don't know, including the right questions to ask.


Best Answer by Neophyl:

Its the seam.  Its where a perimeter starts and ends.  Turn on seams on they key and you will get a little white spot to indicate it more obviously.  Its just a preview artefact and not something to worry about. 

Change the seam settings and the position will change depend on the setting, or paint the locations using he seam painting tool if you want to control where they are placed.   You cant print in normal mode without one, its just the way the printer works layer by layer.  

Posted : 15/10/2023 2:02 pm
RE: Cracks in my models?

I have the same problem. Model is the following:

2x2x6 - right label

tested with different settings (MK3s+ or MK4IS / 0.15 Structural, 0.2 Speed). When it is printed there is a crack in the outermost layer.

Posted : 16/10/2023 4:14 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracks in my models?

Its the seam.  Its where a perimeter starts and ends.  Turn on seams on they key and you will get a little white spot to indicate it more obviously.  Its just a preview artefact and not something to worry about. 

Change the seam settings and the position will change depend on the setting, or paint the locations using he seam painting tool if you want to control where they are placed.   You cant print in normal mode without one, its just the way the printer works layer by layer.  

Posted : 16/10/2023 7:10 pm
vtcnc liked
RE: Cracks in my models?

The seam was also my first thought. I have this artifact diagonally on the other corner. Here it is just smaller, about 1cm. The printing result looks like this with the MK4IS (0.20 Speed):

Posted : 16/10/2023 7:53 pm
vtcnc liked
Noble Member
RE: Cracks in my models?

The only way to avoid seems is to print in Vase mode, which has its own strong limitations, ie you can print only one circumferance (even though also quite complex ones, as the name implies, especially useful for vases and similar objects). So it is something you have to live with otherwise. Depending on material and settings the seam will be more or less visible but the slicer gives you the possibility to define with paint on tools to either force to see to a location of your choice or forbids seems at locations of your choice. That way you can locate it where it is either not visible or not as exposed.

Like Neophyl said, there are also general seam seetings. If you want maximal robustness of your part it is best not to have seam points in the exact same location but "random".

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Posted : 16/10/2023 8:36 pm
vtcnc liked
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cracks in my models?

Thanks for all of the advice!

Posted : 17/10/2023 11:35 pm