Configuration Profile Disappears/Resets Constantly
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Configuration Profile Disappears/Resets Constantly  

Configuration Profile Disappears/Resets Constantly

Hi all,

I manage a lab of about 40 computers at a school running Windows 11 23H2, and I've had reports from the teachers (and also experienced it myself while updating) that the configuration profile will completely reset itself, sometimes as quickly as when signing off one account and signing in another.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, is there any resolution?

I've asked one of the teachers to export the config .ini so that I can reapply it quickly, but I feel like I shouldn't have to do this in the first place. I should mention that lately, our Autodesk software is behaving similarly where it acts as if it's being run for the first time upon every login.

I assume this is likely a Windows 11 thing (shocker), but figured I'd ask the forum.

Thanks for your time!

Posted : 24/01/2025 12:20 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Configuration Profile Disappears/Resets Constantly

Some systems can be configured to not save user data and always start from scratch even if the same user logs out and logs in.

Another option is that PrusaSlicer loads the app config per user, and thus it reads base config from the default settings, and changes are saved in the directory per user.

In both cases you need to set params or env cars to tell PrusaSlicer  to save config in shared location on the disk, which is accessible and writeable y the users, or restrict it to write only for specific user groups.

Also I suggest contacting Prusa.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 24/01/2025 4:32 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Configuration Profile Disappears/Resets Constantly

These machines were reimaged back in August and our policies don't intentionally wipe anything per session (at least that I know of).

I definitely think that loading from a shared location on the disk might be the solution here, but was just curious!

I'll give contacting them a shot. 

Posted : 24/01/2025 4:38 pm
Famed Member
RE: Configuration Profile Disappears/Resets Constantly

I agree this feels like it's related to individual configs. Yet, with 40 users I would think REALLY hard about moving the profile folder to a shared location. You might run into even more profound problems. With 40 people, you're almost guaranteed there's at least one moron who will delete a profile or make other changes that will make everyone else very unhappy. Even if every user has his or her own Prusaslicer config directory, the configurations shouldn't reset themselves just because one user logs out. When User A logs back in after User B logs out, User A should find his configurations the way they were when s/he handed the computer over to User B. I'd check where the Prusaslicer profiles are pointing to and that those directories are not volatile in any shape or form.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 24/01/2025 9:21 pm