Can't remove that "thing" from the bed. What is it?
I have just installed PrusaSlicer for my new XL.
However there is what looks like a green part on the bed and I can't remove it. It also doesn't appear in the parts list.
What is it?
Best Answer by Neophyl:
Yep it has already been suggested
RE: Can't remove that "thing" from the bed. What is it?
That is a place holder for the Purge tower which is required for Multi filament prints
If your print is a single filament print there will not be a purge tower,
in Prusa slicer, there are three profiles foe the XL Printer family
these are for
single tool XL
Two tool XL
Five Tool XL
you should download the version that matches your printer
If you have a single tool XL and download the single tool profile, you should not get the Purge tower place holder
if you have downloaded a multitool profile, you will always get the place holder
if you have a single tool XL and you are seeint the place holder, you have probably downloaded the wrong Prusa Slicer profile
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Can't remove that "thing" from the bed. What is it?
Thank you JoanTabb!
I suggest Prusa to tell what it is when the user hovers a mouse over it on the screen!
RE: Can't remove that "thing" from the bed. What is it?
Thats probably a suggestion for the Prusa Slicer Github.
Do a search, if the idea has already been suggested, add your name to the thread,
If not, start a new thread
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Can't remove that "thing" from the bed. What is it?
Yep it has already been suggested