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Can't print post update...  

Active Member
Can't print post update...

Heya folks.

So been using my Mk3 (later upgraded to Mk3s) for about 18 months, with zero issues. That all changed when I upgraded to the latest version of Slicer/configuration/firmware. Now I'm getting the tiniest trickle of PLA from the nozzle with a microscopic layer height. After 3-4 minutes, the PLA stops flowing completely. I've checked the nozzle, no clogs, did two cold pulls to make sure. Manually feeding the extruder via the settings, comes through without issue.

And ironically, if I pop in the original SD card with the test files, it prints the Prusa Logo without issue - so its something going down with Slicer. I've never created custom profiles, the "Generic PLA" has always worked without a problem, and that's what I'm still trying to use.

Tried rolling back to an older version (2.2.0) and redid the configuration, but still no joy. Anyone got any suggestions?

Opublikowany : 05/02/2021 10:51 pm
RE: Can't print post update...

Can you print the benchie from the SD card?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 06/02/2021 2:38 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can't print post update...

So I actually printed the name plate from the SD card, and it printed without a problem. Tried the benchy and it went fine for about 15 minutes before turning into spaghetti.

So did what any self respecting first world person would do, and tore the extruder head apart and replaced the heater block, nozzle, and heater cartridge with genuine E3D copper coated/titanium ones. (Thought I ordered a new heatsink as well, but looks like I showed SOME restraint. The PTFE tube looked a tad pinched at the flared end, so in the end it COULD have been that? But still utterly confused as to why I was getting next to zero extrusion from any new models sliced, even after a full uninstall and reinstall of an older version.

Buuuut, after the teardown and replacement modules installed, seems to be printing fine now.

Opublikowany : 09/02/2021 8:11 pm