Calling Gurus - 2.5.2 and Mk3s latest firmware - Consistently incorrect geometry - Is this a real bug in software?
I am on 2.5.2 Prusa Slicer with a Mk3s and trying like mad to print some X axis parts for my Bear mod. No matter what I try, I get these shifts on the back wall that correspond to the holes in the part. They are only on the back side, but upon further inspection it "seems" that the holes are getting shifted along with the back wall. I was having some noise on my X axis which led me to investigate this and that's when I found the error.
1 - This happens whether I use the modified X axis, or the stock Prusa Part.
2 - This happens independent of orientation on the build plate (I rotated, and moved the part around). the defect stays the same
3 - This happens even when I select outside perimeter first.
4 - This happens whether I use Arachne or classic perimeter generator
5 - I have wasted an entire spool of Prusa Orange Pet-G trying to get these parts done right.
6 - My prints are otherwise, spectacular.
7 - Printer is in great shape. belts are properly tensioned, no binding or bearing noise. This is definitely a gcode/printer software issue.
8 - I notice on another recent print I did for my kids taht the problem is there on a game case in teh shape of a cube. When the interior of the cube goes from infill to open (where the games are stored) there is a layer shift/bulge on two sides that isn't on the opposite side (i.e not actually a layer shift)
9 - I have tried both grid and gyroid infill. I am doing 4 perimeters.
10 - The defect does not show in the slicer. That wall is perfectly flat and perpendicular to the build plate.
11 - Help me get this solved, for my sanity's sake!
RE: Calling Gurus - 2.5.2 and Mk3s latest firmware - Consistently incorrect geometry - Is this a real bug in software?
Do a forum search for "buldge", yeah with the dodgy spelling. Long known problem with no definitive fix. Its a physics/materials problem mainyl, plastic material shrinkage as things cool, compounded by the software which cant deal with it. Same basic reason as the benchy hull line.
RE: Calling Gurus - 2.5.2 and Mk3s latest firmware - Consistently incorrect geometry - Is this a real bug in software?
Oh man. I never had issue before. I guess it as just the nature of the parts I print. Any way to at least guarantee the holes and belt path are true to each other?