Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support
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Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support  

Eminent Member
Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support

Title states the problem.  Selecting Avoid Crossing Perimeters works fine in the model itself, but is ignored when it come to the support towers, even organic support.  The extruder just blithely slices right through the sides of the model, ignoring the avoid crossing command.

Am I doing something wrong???


Posted : 12/09/2023 6:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support

No you aren't.  How do you expect the extruder to move from one island to another though ? By default in the settings the actual object will print internal perimeters, then external perimeters and then infill (unless configured otherwise).  If it has just printed support then it HAS to move to the inside perimeters to get to the next start position.  That by definition mean crossing over an already printed perimeter of the model.  

Unless you have some revolutionary path planning or teleporting technique which I'm sure the devs over on github would just love to hear.

Is the travel planning perfect, I'd say not, sometimes it seems to print islands in strange non optimised orders sometimes and there are already github issues opened about that but no matter the order it still involves going from one island to another.

Posted : 12/09/2023 7:27 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support

I would expect it to go from one island to another just as it would go from one point in the model to another.  Avoiding the model by going around.  But thanks for the snark.


Posted : 13/09/2023 3:21 am
Noble Member
RE: Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support


Posted by: @t_om

I would expect it to go from one island to another just as it would go from one point in the model to another.  Avoiding the model by going around.  But thanks for the snark.


I might be missing something but why would you want this ?

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Posted : 13/09/2023 5:53 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support

In 3d printing model aircraft using LW PLA, which foams up as it leaves the nozzle, you cannot use retractions with that filament.  It almost guarantees clogs if you do.  The organic supports I am trying to use are, of course, outside the boundaries of the model, typically a fuselage or wing panel.  LW PLA has, unfortunately by virtue of its foaming action,  extreme stringing.  Extreme.  When the slicer completes the model, then goes to the support towers it leaves a string.  This can't be helped and I know that going in.  But then when it goes to the NEXT tower to lay on a layer, it cuts directly across the model, leaving horrendous stringing firmly attached to the model.   If the organic "trees" could be printed with the extruder printing one, then avoiding the model, and on to the next, it would avoid hanging all those strings n the model and just leave them in air.

I am away from my shop but will try and get a photo uploaded.


Posted : 13/09/2023 6:26 pm
RE: Avoid Crossing Perimeters Not being applied to support

Will z-hop fix this problem crossing support?  I've yet to try this.

Posted : 03/03/2024 5:17 am