Are exported stl's editable by others if they download?
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[Solved] Are exported stl's editable by others if they download?  

Active Member
Are exported stl's editable by others if they download?

I model in fusion 360 using the personal use license so I can't export stl's from there. I have used prusaslicer to export them once I move them over and I didn't think much of it until I noticed a tag on my uploaded models to printables that says they come pre sliced. Is that the case then? Are my exported stls' settings not able to be modified by other if they download?


Also as a side, if there is another work around I'm all ears.

Posted : 12/05/2022 9:59 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Are exported stl's editable by others if they download?

Not sure what you mean by you can't export STLs from Fusion. Just right click on a component or body and select save as mesh. Works with any of the Fusion licenses. Maybe you were trying a cloud export, but all that does is take 10 times longer....

I looked at the models you posted on printables. I didn't try to download any but I didn't see anything wrong.  

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 12/05/2022 10:35 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Well screw me eh. I am terrible at using this program lol. Yeah I can totally export from fusion. I always only use the save mesh to take it into a slicer. I just remember people like makers muse on youtube talking about the fusion 360 change maybe a year ago where stls couldn't be saved anymore or something and that just cemented in my brain.

Well I feel dumb but thanks a bunch. Now time to go reupload all my stuff and more.

Posted : 12/05/2022 10:41 pm
Tim Weston
Estimable Member
RE: Are exported stl's editable by others if they download?

You can also use the '3D Print' option on the 'File' menu of Fusion 360. This allows you to export the mesh output as STL, 3MF or OBJ with the option to have the exported file automatically open in a 3D print utility of your choice. Cura is a preset option, but to set it up for PrusaSlicer, select 'Custom', click the small folder icon at the bottom of the window and choose the PrusaSlicer app (see screenshot below).

Hope that helps.



Posted : 13/05/2022 4:14 am