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Anyone having this 2.6 issue?  

Active Member
Anyone having this 2.6 issue?

I recently installed Prusa slicer 2.6. Now, every time I click 3d edit view the slicer completely closes. I then have to restart the slicer and reload my model. I have looked for a setting that would change this behavior but cannot find one. Also, a search of the forums did not give me an answer. I have also tried uninstalling 2.6 and reinstalling it, but it still does it. I have not experienced this issue with other versions.

Anyone else have this issue or suggestions?



Posted : 12/07/2023 8:52 pm
RE: Anyone having this 2.6 issue?

I have a different issue that also started with 2.6, when I open the app it opens with a blank white panel and the normal menu on the right hand side but sits in not responding forever.  I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling w/o success.

Posted : 23/07/2023 8:36 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Anyone having this 2.6 issue?

Mine was working fine for smaller things, but I was trying to use organic supports on a mask today, and it just slowly starts to crash.

But, it's not just during slicing. Exporting to SD card took forever. Ejecting the SD card took about 10 seconds.

I opened up the task manager to see what was going on. For reference, laptop is a few years old. But CPU is 64 bit, 1.8 GHz, with 16GB of RAM. So, not supercharged, but it runs solidworks just fine. (Much better than it runs 2.6)

While slicing, RAM usage was ~2.5 GB. CPU usage by prusa slicer was in the high 90's, up to 100% in some cases. It just won't let anything else run in the background.

For the last part of the process, while it was generating gcode, the RAM usage doubled, coming to a stop at 0% CPU/ 4.449 GB.

Then I noticed something that seemed odd. Just mousing around on the screen (finger on trackpad, moving in circles. No clicking, no dragging. Just moving the arrow) would take up to 30% of CPU usage, as compared with 10-12% when I have the web browser open.

It makes sense that the amount of work involved in the organic supports would be huge. But if something as simple as using the mouse is such a draw on the CPU, that seems a bit excessive.

To be clear, I'm not a software engineer. I took a class or two in programming, but I don't have any authority on the topic. But back when I was researching what I needed to run Solidworks, Dassault was very clear that graphics cards aren't actually doing the bulk of the work: RAM is, because there are a lot of calculations involved in rendering what's on the screen, especially when rolling it around, and so most of that info needs short term storage. So to run solidworks, they recommended a minimum of 16 GB. (I think there was a footnote that 8 GB would technically work, but that it would be slow.)


I guess I'm surprised to see that short term memory seems under-utilized, and the CPU is so overwhelmed that it can't handle anything else.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

Posted : 27/07/2023 6:01 pm